The Blogger

About Me

Welcome to Maria Trains, a space I have carved out for myself to blog and journal my thoughts about Running for fun, Lifting for fitness, and living my Life .

I’m Maria. A mid-twenties girl just trying to figure out who I am and how to balance my passions with the rest of my life. I haven’t always been a healthy weight or in good shape—in 2007 I started the process of losing nearly 60 pounds. I’ve learned a lot along the way and even became an ACE-certified personal trainer after realizing I wanted to share my love for health and fitness with others to empower them to take control of their own journey. I am also a GPP Fitness-certified trainer and an AFAA-certified Spinning instructor.

These days my food choices and workouts are more about gaining strength and improving my performance than losing weight. Throughout my weight loss and fitness quest, I’ve discovered there is no “right” answer—we’re all different and you have to try different approaches to find what is right for you.